Nostr Social Bookmarklet

This bookmarklet allows you to quickly save the current webpage to Nostr Social Bookmarking/pinning with a description and hashtags.

Installation Instructions:

Step 1: Drag this link to your bookmarks bar

Drag the following button to your browser's bookmarks bar:

Share at Nostr

Step 2: Install a Nostr browser extension

This bookmarklet requires a Nostr browser extension to sign your bookmarks. Visit to choose your favorite Nostr signing browser extension.

Note: Work in Progress

This is a minimal version that only adds new bookmarks. It does not check for or update existing bookmarks, which means it will create duplicate entries if you bookmark the same URL multiple times. This functionality will be added in a future update.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to any webpage you want to bookmark
  2. Click the "Share at Nostr" bookmark in your bookmarks bar
  3. A popup will appear where you can:
  4. Click "Share Bookmark" to save it
  5. Your Nostr extension will ask you to approve signing the event
  6. The bookmark will be signed with your Nostr profile and published to Nostr relays
  7. You can find and browse your social bookmarks using Nostr clients such as Yumyume and Pinja

Privacy & Security

This bookmarklet:

Important Permission Note:

When using this bookmarklet, your Nostr signer will ask for permission to sign the event. Only grant permission for the specific event - do not give the website full permission, as you don't know if that site will implement other Nostr functions that could potentially misuse your signing capabilities.